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Car crash statistics in california

The golden state has the highest number of auto accident fatalities in the country at 3,000 deaths, while the national average is just 684.
California also takes second place in terms of the number of people that perish in those fatal accidents. The car crash statistics in California show us that accidents involving serious injuries and fatalities occur too often, due to dangerous, careless drivers. Even when a motorist drives responsibly and follows all of the rules of the road, they are still at a high risk of being involved in a serious accident in California.

Common Causes of Car Collisions in California

The most common causes of auto accidents in California include:

Distracted Driving

Talking on the phone or texting, speaking with other passengers in the vehicle, adjusting the radio, and eating, are all examples of distracted driving, the leading cause of auto accidents in California. Distracted driving accidents are responsible for 15% of traffic accidents, 15% of injury accidents, and 9% of fatal accidents.


Failing to obey the posted speed limit is another major cause of motor vehicle collisions in the state. Many Californians are in a hurry to make it to work, or to an appointment, or they speed up trying to make the light, but speeding is never worth the risk of being involved in a serious accident. 29% of the state’s fatal auto accidents are caused by driving over the posted speed limit.

Failure to Yield

When you’re on the road, you must pay close attention to stop signs, the posted speed, yield signs, and traffic lights. Unfortunately, failure to yield is a common cause of auto accidents. This includes failing to yield to other drivers, bicyclists, motorcyclists, and others on the road. Failure to yield accidents accounts for 20% of all traffic collisions in the state.

Impaired Driving

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol continues to be a major cause of catastrophic auto accidents in CA. Driving under the influence can significantly impair a driver’s judgment and reaction time and often leads to collisions that involve injuries or death. 26% of fatal auto accidents in the state are caused by impaired drivers.

California’s Dangerous Highways

According to statistics provided by the NHTSA, also referred to as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, for every 100 million vehicle miles traveled in the state there are 1.37 fatalities. California has earned a reputation for its dangerous roads and aggressive drivers. The likelihood of being involved in an accident in the state can also heavily depend on the roads you travel. A recent study conducted by the NHTSA showed that California roads had the highest rates of fatal collisions.
The two most dangerous roads that run through the state include:

  • Interstate 5
  • Interstate 95

What to Do If You’re Involved in an Auto Accident in CA

If you were injured in a motor vehicle collision, the aftermath of the accident can be confusing and painful. Seeking medical treatment should be your first priority after a motor vehicle collision.
Once you’ve been physically assessed by a medical professional, contacting an car accident lawyer should be the next step.
Avoid speaking to an insurance company until you’ve met with a personal injury attorney.

Meet With a Car Accident Lawyer

During this difficult time, you’ll be contacted by the other driver’s insurance company. An insurance company’s goal is to deny an accident victim’s claim or pay them as little as possible. An attorney can handle the insurance company and deal with all interactions, including settlement negotiations. They can also help you file the appropriate paperwork, gather evidence that can prove liability, and help you fight for the compensation you deserve for your injuries, pain and suffering, and other accident-related damages.

Contact Lem Garcia Law Today to Schedule a Free Case Strategy Session

If you were involved in a serious auto accident in California, contact Lem Garcia Law today. Our legal team knows how devastating life after a serious auto accident can be, especially if you sustained catastrophic injuries. We also know how frustrating and stressful it is to deal with an aggressive insurance adjuster. At our personal injury law firm, we advocate for the rights of auto accident victims. We will not let an insurance company intimidate you or harass you. We’ll handle every aspect of your case, including settlement negotiations with the insurance company, so the harassing phone calls will stop. Contact our firm today to schedule a free case strategy session and meet with us to discuss your case and legal options. If you decide to hire us, we’ll start working on your case right away and help you receive every penny of compensation you deserve.
