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Car seat laws & safety tips for parents in california

When it comes to keeping your little ones safe, nothing is more important than following the car seat laws set by the state of California. Being a parent in California can be challenging enough without having to worry about making sure your child is safely secured while in the car. To make this job easier, the personal injury attorneys at Lem Garcia Law have compiled a list of helpful resources and advice so you can ensure that your little one arrives at their destination as safely as possible.

Car Seats and Booster Seat Laws in California

The main law regarding child safety seats in California states that children must remain in a size and weight-appropriate seat or booster until they are 8 years old or 4’9”, whichever comes first. Car seats should also be installed in the backseat, and all rear-facing car seats must conform to the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding the location of harness straps and buckles.

Choosing the Right Car Seat

It’s important to choose a car seat that is right for your child and fits properly in your vehicle. Be sure to check the labels on the side of the car seat to make sure they meet federal safety standards. Car seats come in a variety of sizes and styles, so take the time to select one that suits your needs and fits your vehicle perfectly.

Here’s a quick guide on the different types of car seats available:

Rear-Facing Car Seats/Infant Car Seats

A rear-facing seat is designed for infants up to 1 year old. The car seat should be installed rear-facing in the backseat of your vehicle, with the straps securely fastened around your child’s chest and hips.

Forward-Facing Car Seats

A front-facing car seat is designed for toddlers from 1–3 years old (or when they reach the maximum height and weight limit of their rear-facing car seat). Like the rear-facing seat, the front-facing seat should be installed in the backseat.

Booster Seats

These are designed for children from 4–12 years old (or when they reach a certain height or weight limit for a forward-facing car seat). The booster seat should be used with both lap and shoulder belts.

Registering Car Seats

Car seat manufacturers are required to register every car seat they sell with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA). Registration helps ensure you receive important safety updates from the manufacturer about your car seat and can help in case of any recalls.

Installing Car Seats

A child passenger safety seat must be installed correctly for them to provide maximum protection for your child in the event of a motor vehicle crash. Take the time to read through all the instructions carefully and make sure you have followed all the necessary steps before taking off on any journey with a child in a car seat.

Car Seat Maintenance

A child seat must be checked for recalls on a regular basis and should also be inspected for any signs of wear or damage before each use. Car seats should be replaced as soon as they become too old, too small, or too worn to provide adequate protection.

Following these tips will help ensure child passenger safety when traveling in a vehicle in California. By taking the time to plan ahead and follow the rules, you can help protect your children from injury while riding in a car.

What to Do if Your Child was Injured in an Auto Accident

If you have been in an auto accident and your child was injured due to a negligent driver and/or a defective car seat in California, you may be able to file a personal injury claim and a product liability claim.

Auto Insurance Claim

If you and/or your child suffered injuries in an auto accident as the result of a negligent driver, you must contact a personal injury attorney at Lem Garcia Law to schedule a free case strategy session. A car accident lawyer at our firm can help you file an insurance claim and pursue compensation for the damages you and your child suffered as the result of negligence.

Product Liability Claims

Car seats are designed to keep your child safe while traveling, and any defects can cause serious injury or even death. Fortunately, California has enacted laws that impose strict safety standards for car seats and strengthen parents’ ability to pursue legal action if their child is injured due to a defective car seat.

If your child has been injured due to a defective car seat in an auto accident in California, you may be eligible for compensation through a product liability claim. Such claims generally involve proving that the manufacturer, distributor, or seller of the car seat was negligent and responsible for the injury. You will need to provide detailed evidence of the defect and how it resulted in your child’s injury. An experienced product liability attorney can help you navigate the legal process and maximize your chances of obtaining a successful outcome.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney at Lem Garcia Law Today

These car seat safety tips are designed to provide the best possible protection for your child in any kind of motor vehicle accident. If your child has been injured in an auto accident due to a defective car seat, contact Lem Garcia Law today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and get help protecting your rights. Our experienced personal injury lawyers can assist you in pursuing financial compensation from the responsible parties so that you can focus on what’s most important — taking care of your child.
