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Do I need to go to the emergency room after a car accident?

No matter how big or small your car accident is, it’s a good idea to see a doctor right away to make sure that you’re OK. It’s important for you to remember one thing: the sooner you see a doctor after a car accident, the better it is for your health and your case.

It’s better for your health because if you’re injured, you’ll get diagnosed sooner, start treatment sooner, and recover from your injuries sooner.

It’s better for your case, because if you’re injured, you’ll have stronger evidence to prove that the accident caused your injuries. The insurance company will always want to prove that your injury was caused by something other than your car accident. By going to the doctor immediately after the crash, you’ll have medical records that help prove that your injury was caused by the crash.

So the question then becomes, should I go to the emergency room after a car accident? If you have any serious or life-threatening injuries, you should absolutely go to the emergency room. But if you don’t have any serious injuries, if you didn’t break any bones, or lose consciousness, or if you’re not seriously bleeding, or having any breathing problems, you should at least go to urgent care. Urgent care will be less expensive, and you most likely won’t have to wait as long.

Even if you think you’re fine, let me say it again: at least go to urgent care. After an accident, it can be really difficult to know if you’re injured or not. Your injuries can be hidden under all of the adrenaline that’s running through your body. So play it safe and at least see an urgent care doctor. When it comes to your health, and your case, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Once everything has settled down and you have a free moment, give us a call. Our Car Accident Lawyers are the side that helps you, and makes them pay.
